Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"The Three Stooges" Movie To Be Released 2010

It may seem like an early April Fool's joke, but there's no "nyuk nyukking" here. Sean Penn, after winning a Best Actor Oscar for his role as Harvey Milk, is set to star as Larry (one of the three stooges), in the upcoming movie adapated from the famous short films. It will be directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly, and released sometime in 2010.

The New York Times reported that MGM is still admid negotiations with Jim Carrey, who will play Curly. They also hope to bring Benicio Del Toro on board as Moe.

I can see why they chose Jim Carrey, but Del Toro and Penn seem to be a cut above a slapstick comedy role. What about Jack Black or Mike Myers?

Here's a clip from "The Three Stooges," the vintage version:

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