I'm not sure if this is a joke or not. As part of the description:
"Real fake birds." Are they kidding? Sounds like a bit of an oxymoron to me.
"High-quality head looks scared and has awesome hair!" How do you make a head look scared? Maybe they meant to say she has a terrified expression on her face? No. No, that would still be untrue. She looks like she's only slightly disturbed.
Alfred Hitchcock is one of my favorite directors, and there is only one movie of his I've seen to date, that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed: The Skin Game. His The Birds is certainly a classic, and making a Barbie doll that I consider to be a mocking image of his film, is just ridiculous. What's next, Mattel? Fashioning a bloody figurine of Psycho's Marion Crane with "awesome real fake stab wounds?"
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