"Wall-E" is a computer animated science fiction film whose central plot focus surrounds the life of the last surviving solar-powered robot. His mission? Clean the garbage dump once called Earth. All humans have since fled to space, where they enjoy a life of laziness (and have correspondingly become quite overweight in their trance-like state of existence), while Wall-E compacts all of their waste into neat little cubes.
Wall-E's lonely and seemingly monotonous life, countered by his endearing habit of finding unique treasures amidst the trash heap, suddenly changes upon Eve's arrival. As a super-efficient, advanced robot model sent on a mysterious mission by the humans, Eve can fly and is well-equipped with the tools to overtake any enemy. Drastically paled by comparison, Wall-E first becomes scared by her power and destruction, though quickly falls in love.
This is a love story above all else. Although the first 30-40 minutes involve no speaking at all, you can't help but feel enthralled in Wall-E's daily tasks and his curiosity over the simplest of items. Its morals teach viewers about work ethic, love, and loyalty. The creators of this film have done a wonderful job of bringing an inanimate object to life, as Wall-E's character is masterfully created with the habitual nature, sentiments, and ticks of a true human being. I would definitely recommend this Pixar movie for all ages.
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